
2022年4月29日 星期五



2022年4月25日 星期一


EVE Online裡面的船艦裝備,主要可以有四種主流的防禦方式配置。一,速度防禦,針對短手慢速的特定敵人,使用遠技能武器和高速裝備來防禦。二,裝甲防禦,增加裝甲抗性,增加裝甲回復量。三,主動護盾防禦,增加護盾抗性,增加主動護盾回復量。四,被動護盾防禦,因為護盾會自然回復,自然回復到滿的時間是固定的,增加最大護盾量,可以提高被動護盾回復量,增加護盾抗性。

一般新人接觸到的船有分大中小,Frigate和Destroyer是小型船,Cruiser和Battle cruiser是中型船,Battleship是大型船。每種大小都有配合大小的裝備,像是推進器,Afterburner,小型船是1MN,中型船是10MN,大型船是100MN,裝備吃的Power grid和CPU都有很大差別,配合船的大小。

速度防禦,使用中槽Microwarpdrive推進器,但是很吃電,所以中低槽加電力輔助裝備,Capacitor batteries、Capacitor boosters、Capacitor power relays、Capacitor rechargers。高槽裝長程飛彈,因為飛彈不吃電力,也不會因為角速度砲台追不上就打不中。船插裝電池,增加推進器的持續時間,Capacitor control circuit。

裝甲防禦,低槽裝Armor repairers,增加裝甲回復量,然後低槽裝裝甲抗性,Armor hardener是主動裝甲抗性,吃電加抗性多,Energized armor resistance mambranes是被動裝甲抗性,不耗電加抗性少點但是吃很多CPU,Armor resistance coatings是被動裝甲抗性,不耗電不吃CPU但加抗性最少。另外還有一個Damage controls,這個同時加護盾、裝甲、結構的抗性,也不吃電,但是需要一些CPU,對於陌生的對手最好裝一個,因為結構抗性高了,萬一要逃生,成功機率會提高。中槽裝電池,Capaticor batteries、Capacitor boosters、Capacitor rechargers,增加低槽的Armor repairers的開啟時間。船插裝電池,增加推進器的持續時間,Capacitor control circuit。

主動護盾防禦,中槽裝Shield boosters,增加主動護盾回復量。然後中槽裝護盾抗性,Shield Hardeners,吃電加抗多,Shield resistance amplifiers,不吃電加抗性少。中槽裝增加護盾回復器回復量的Sheild boost amplifier。低槽裝電池,增加護盾回復器的開啟時間,Capacitor power relays。中槽也裝電池,如果還有中槽的話,Capacitor batteries、Capacitor boosters、Capacitor rechargers。船插裝電池,增加推進器的持續時間,Capacitor control circuit。

被動護盾防禦,中槽裝Shield extenders增加護盾最大量。中槽裝護盾抗性,Shield Hardeners,吃電加抗多,Shield resistance amplifiers,不吃電加抗性少。中槽裝增加護盾回復速度Shield rechargers,低槽裝增加護盾回復速度Shield power relays。低槽裝Damage controls,增加護盾抗性。船插裝Core defence field extender,增加護盾量。船插裝Core defense field purger,增加護盾回復量。

中槽的電池有三種,Capacitor batteries、Capacitor boosters、Capacitor rechargers。Capacitor batteries是增加電池最大量,因為電池會慢慢自然回復,從零回到滿的時間是固定的,所以增加電池最大容量也就等於增加了電池的回復速度。Capacitor rechargers,增加電池回復速度。Capacitor boosters,這個比較特別,這個是吃電池補充電量的,吃一個Cap booster 100,就補充一百電量,吃一個Cap booster 200就補充兩百電量,但是電池要佔船艙空間,所以雖然吃電池可以補充很多電,但是續航力是看船艙裝了多少電池。

因為CCP,遊戲官方常常調整裝備數值,和船艦數值,每種裝備也不只一種選擇,有吃比較少CPU和Power gird但是稍弱一點版本,也有正常版本,也有耗電少的版本,也有比較強一點的版本但是吃比較多CPU和Power gird和比較多電。Afterburner,推進器的例子的話,一般版本是Afterburner I,強版本是Afterburner II,CPU比較少的版本是Y-S8 Compact,耗電少的版本是Monopropellant Enduring。

實際上要怎麼配船,還要看角色有多少配船技能,因為配船技能會影響船有多少CPU和Powergird可用,也會影響船艦有多少電力可用。例如CPU management可以增加船的CPU,Capacitor management可以增加船的電力。Repair systems可以增加裝甲補血器的回復量。Shield Operation可以增加最大護盾量。以圖中的Punisher為例子,一級Amarr frigate還可以額外提供10%減少小型雷射砲的使用電力,4%的全裝甲屬性抗性,等等。

How to Fit Ships Well


這可是EVE Online的重點功能,也是在買裝備和買船之前,先模擬看看船艦的能力有多少。

左邊選Hulls是選船,還可以進一步選自己已經有的配置,公司的配置,新手建議配置等等,透過Search term下面的按鈕。選了船之後,可以選Hardware,也就是船上的裝備。

中間是船,和船上有多少空格可以裝裝備,有高槽裝武器,中槽和低槽裝防禦裝備和各式輔助裝備,還有船插提高船隻能力。另外套用了目前自己的技能的Power grid和CPU,船上的每個裝備都要吃CPU和Power gird,所以學高配船技能可以增加船上能裝的裝備數量。

右邊是船隻的目前能力,最上面是Capacitor也就是電力,Stable就是能開啟全部裝備一直不缺電,如果技能不夠,可能會顯示幾分幾秒,代表全開裝備多少時間就會沒電了。Offense是傷害,dps是damage per seconed,每秒多少傷害量。Defense則是防禦,有護盾抗性、裝甲抗性、結構抗性。Targeting是距離多遠可以鎖定目標。

Navigatoin是船的速度,m/s是每秒多少公尺,有一個數值比較重要,Align time,代表船艦多少秒可以對準目標,然後進入跳躍,這個數值如果要去玩家戰鬥區的話,是越低越好。Drones是無人機。

最右下角,有個14.7M ISK,代表這台船的總價值,那個按鈕是Multibuy,按下去就會購買整台船上的全部裝備加上船。這個清單可以單項一樣樣取消或修改數量,紅色就是沒有賣。

有個離開模擬的按鈕,叫做EXIT SIMULATION,按下去就是真船艦真裝備的操作。把裝備拖曳到中間船上就是裝上去。

左下角有個按鈕,可以匯入其他人的配船設定,import from clipboard,反白別人的配置,按Ctrl+C就存入了,可以進遊戲裡按匯入。也可以匯出自己的配船設定,Copy to clipboard,按了匯出之後,到文字編輯軟體,Ctrl+V就貼上了。


市場可以看到EVE Online裡面,幾乎所有的道具清單,算是認識EVE的快速入門區。

首先注意到右上角三個大按鈕;New Eden Store是付費商店,有賣月卡,船皮,服飾之類的;Market Orders是自己掛買掛賣的清單;Multibuy是一口氣買很多個物品,通常用在模擬船艦裝備時,然後一個按鈕買船加上船上全部裝備。

左邊有一個齒輪,右邊也有一個齒輪,一個設定左邊視窗,一個設定右邊視窗;建議左邊的齒輪把Show only available取消,不要只顯示買的到的,這樣可以更快認識全部的EVE Online道具,顯示距離選擇Region,也就是顯示整個星域;右邊的齒輪裡面,把Low Sec和Null Sec的勾勾取消,Low Sec是低安,Null Sec是零安,那邊是玩家可以互相殺來殺去的地方,新人去那邊危險,很可能是陷阱。

Sellers就是有多少賣單,Jumps代表距離目前行星系有幾個行星系的距離,Quantity是數量,Price是價格,Location是在該行星系裡的哪個太空站。Buyers是買單,Range是這個買單的涵蓋範圍,Region就是全星域都可以賣給這個買單,Station就是只有Location的太空站可以賣給這個買單,Min volume是最少一次要賣幾個給這個買單。買賣單看時間,九十天以下的都是玩家開的,有三百六十五天的都是非玩家控制的電腦程式開的。






Asteroid是小行星帶,裡面是各種礦石要不要顯示。Celestial裡面Agent in space是太空中的任務發布員,Asteroid belt是小行星帶,Audit log secure container是玩家放的密碼箱子,Beacon是一種物體會發光,Cargo container是玩家從船上噴出來的箱子,這裡很多,主要新人可能會馬上碰到的是做任務,找不到任務目標,打開Large collidable object就可能看到了。



比較特別是Angular velocity,這是角速度,角速度和砲台轉動速度有關,如果船上的炮,砲台轉動速度跟不上角速度,就會打不中。這現象常見在中型炮打小型船,大型炮打中型船,以此類推。

2022年4月24日 星期日



P2的Coolant在Market的Manufacture分類的Materials分類的Planetary分類的Refined裡面。需要兩種P1做成,P1叫做Processed,兩種P1分別是Electrolytes和Water。兩種P1分別由兩種P0做成,P0叫做Raw,兩種P0是Ionic solutions和Aqueous liquids。

點左上角的行星系名字,可以打開行星系的info,裡面的Orbital分頁裡面有星球的種類,找一個Gas的右點選View Planetary Industry,就可以進入星球開發。

在星球開發裡面,可以調整彩虹,找出亮白色區域就是資源比較多的。學Planetology可以增加搜尋資源結果的準確度。因為我們要兩種資源,所以找兩種資源都多的地方,在兩點中間放一個Gas command center,就可以同時採集Ionic solutions和Aqueous liquids。

學Command center upgrades技能,這個技能越高,你就能設置更多星球設施。我們先放一個Launch pad,一個Extractor cotrol unit,一個Basic industry facility,一個Advanced industry facility。像我現在學到四級,就可以放四個Basic industry facility,兩個Advanced industry facility。

重點是只放一個Extractor contol unit,因為這採集工廠很佔空間,如果採兩種資源放兩個採集工廠,那採集頭都放不了很多。點開採集工廠,選Install extraction program按鈕,多放幾個採集頭,因為採集頭越多,採的資源越多,也就是賺越多isk的意思。然後他可以調整要採集多久,可以只採一小時,也可以採十四天,這裡就看你幾天上線一次,選下次上線時間就好,這是離線的時候會一直持續採集。然後有個Products頁面,設定採集出來的產品要送到哪個設施,我是送到Launch pad。記得要把採集頭和發射台中間連線,才能傳送產品,當產品很多的時候,線還要升級才能負擔。

基礎工廠這邊,也要設定把產品送到發射台。還要選擇製造產品,如果採集頭是Ionic solutions,這邊就生產Electrolytes。採集頭是Aqueous liquids,這邊就生產Water。


發射台要設定就多了,首先是要把採集工廠採到的P0,都送到基礎工廠,這樣才能生產P1,然後還要把兩種P1,都送到進階工廠,這樣進階工廠才能生產P2。選擇P0,下面會有一個Create Route按鈕,然後選目的地工廠即可。

然後如果角色在星球開發的行星系的太空中,就可打開把發射台的產品,發射上Customs Office,那個星球的海關。



2022年4月21日 星期四





2022年4月19日 星期二


Fourteen days passed, my elf got another free unique gift but the Rift's emerald earrings is dispeared during enchanting. I think the players always want more so does the people. I always want for more more than i already have so i keep playing everyday. The workers always want for more so workers keep working everyday. The power of want for more keeps people going everyday. If people stop want for more and satisifying for what people have already, there will be no progress of human world. But the resources of earth is limited. If people stay on earth, people need to share everything together to keep everyone happy. The more people will make the less resource could use in progress. So i think people really need to control the population and going to universe. If people could go to universe than people will have unlimited resources for everyone if population is under control.

2022年4月18日 星期一


I failed to enchant my plus five chain armor of magic defense again. The chance to success is six to one, i failed seven times. My luck is not good in plus five chain armor of magic defense. Thank for the latest event, Shadow's footprints, my characters get lots of armor magic scrolls. My characters finished the non-bound collections which are in the enchated savely area with armor magic scrolls. I need a lot of weapon magic scrolls to finish the enchated savely collections but the shadow's footprints only gives one weapon magic scroll per day so i think i can not finish the collections in this event. I saw lots of unique and epic drops everyday but i did not get any, that is a little sad, i think i can not do better than what i am right now so my characters's equipments is not getting improvements day by day. I know i can pay for the higher gears in anytime but i want my characters grow on her own but not by the power of new taiwan dollars.

2022年4月17日 星期日


I got the treasure from the Shadow's Footprints. Today is my lucky day. I would love to keep playing Lineage W for weeks. I think Lineage W is no secrets to me. There are three main system of this kind of game, Auto hunting, Draw, Collections, these are the key part of Lineage W and so does Odin. There are three kinds of players in this kind of game, normal players, robots, rich players. Normal player is nothing to the offical game company and robots, normal player is born to be killed by rich players. Robots are making real money from the game by illegal activities to the offical game company. The rich players are the offical game company needs, the offical game company design the game and make all the improvements of character in paying contents for rich players.

2022年4月16日 星期六

Guristas Hunt


我把所有我的戰鬥相關技能紀錄一下,Armor layering 1, Em armor compensation 3, Explosive armor compensation 3, Hull upgrades 5, Kinetic armor compensation 3, Mechanics 4, Repair systems 4, Thermal armor compensation 3, Evasive maneuvering 4, Navigation 4, Shield management 4, Shield Operation 4, Tactical shield manipulation 4, Advanced drone avionivs 2, Drone avionics 3, Drone durability 3, Drone interfacing 3, Drone navigation 3, Drone sharpshooting 3, Drones 5, Light drone operatoin 4, Amarr destroyer 4, Spaceship command 4, Advanced weapon upgrades 4, Cpu management 5, Capacitor management 3, Capacitor systems operation 4, Power grid management 5, Weapon upgrades 4, Long range targeting 4, Radar sensor compensation 3, Signature analysis 4, Target management 4, Guided missile precision 3, Light missiles 3, Missile bombardment 3, Missile launcher operation 4, Missile projection 3, Rapid launch 3, Target navigation prediction 3, Warhead upgrades 3。


2022年4月15日 星期五

Land of the Forsaken Icy

This dungeon is open for the player who's level is above fifty. One hour per day.

The players could kill each other here. My level fifty four ruler can not auto hunting here for long time becourse lack of red potion. The monster here is really hurt for player who did not pay much real money.

The monster here drops Monster essence and armor magic scroll and weapon magic scroll and Grain of power and Blunt weapon.

Monster essence is used to craft rare equipment. Grain of power is used in crafting and gift to merchant. Blunt weapon is sold for adena.

Egg Hunt

Egg Hunt是一種每日免費技能點任務。

玩法要使用船上的Directional Scanner,Dscan掃描器。Dscan可以掃描14.3天文單位au內的所有物體,並顯示成清單。Dscan也能掃描只有角度五度的特定方向的物體。Dscan可以自由設定距離,14.3au、10au、5au、1au。

這個任務要找神秘的蛋,Mysterious Capsule。並對神祕的蛋發射煙火。煙火是遊戲官方CCP在節日送的免費禮物,有煙火發射器和煙火。我用了Festival Launcher和Sodium Firework,這些都非常便宜,發射器大概三萬isk,煙火一個大概五百isk。完成任務送五千技能點數。



按紅圈的那個很多平行線圖案,可以打開Overview設定,在Tab Presets分頁裡,把Type選Select All,這樣就可以顯示所有物體了。

Phantasm Island Earth

The character who is over level thirty could enter one hour per day.

The level thirty version of this dungeon drop Monster essence and Maphr's vestige and Grain of power. Monster essece is used in rare equipment crafting. Maphr's vestige is used in unique equipment refinements. Grain of power is used in crafting and gift to merchants. Beside all above, the adena drop is more than other kind phantasm islands.

The level fifty version of phantasm island earth will drop more stuffs which are Essence of hatred and Unique weapon craft recipe.

Adena and diamonds could buy more time for phantasm island. Player can not kill each other here.

Phantasm Island Wind

The player who is over level thirty could enter one hour per day.

The level thirty dungeon will drop Monster essence and Sayha's vestige and Grain of power and Phantasm island material chest. The monster essence is used in rare equipment crafting. The sayha's vestige is used in unique equipment refinements. The grain of power is used in crafting and gift to merchants. The phantasm island material chest produce random materials, one chest to one random material.

The level fifty dungeon will drom more stuffs which are Essence of hatred and Unique accessory craft recipe.

If the time of dungeon run out, players could buy with adena and diamonds. Player can not kill each other here.

Phantasm Island Water

The dungeon which is level thirty will drop Monster essence and Eva's Vestige and Grain of power. Monster essence is used in crafting rare equipment. Eva's Vestige is used in refinements unique equipment. Grain of power is used in crafting and gift to merchants.

The level fifty dungeon will drop more which are Essence of hatred and Unique armor craft recipe.

Every player who is over level thirty could enter the thirty dungeon. Fourty level player can enter the fourty dungeon and thirty dungeon and so on.

One hour per day, but player could buy more time from store with adena and diamonds. Player can not kill each other here.

Phamtasm Island Fire

Player who is over level thirty could enter the dungeon at any time but one hour per day only.

The level thirty dungeon will drop the Monster essence which is used for crafting rare equipment. The dungeon at level thirty would drop Pa'agrio's vestige which is used for refinements unique equipment. The dungeon at level thirty would drop Grain of power which is used for equipment and gift for merchant. Level thirty dungeon will drop Accessory magic scroll and armor magic scroll and weapon magic scroll.

The level fifty dungeon will drop more stuffs which are Essence of hatred and Unique armor craft recipe.

If the time is run out, player could buy more time with adena or diamonds. Player can not kill each other here.


Players need to be over level fourty to enter the dungeon at UTC+8 eleven am everyday.

It is a little hard for level fourty players who have on heal magic. The elf and magician would be ok with whole body enchated into max safe area. I think the knight and ruler need the magic defence up to one hundred in order to survive with red potion.

Player can not kill each other here.

Rahdon will drop Absolute Barrier and Rahdon's essence and Greatsword of silence and Epic pine stick and Unique armor craft recipe and Demonbane ring and Officer's armor and Unique pine stick and armor magic scroll and Blessed armor magic scroll and Crystal of power and Grain of power. It looks like a lot good items, but i did not saw it yet.

Shadow's Footprints

It is the dialy event dungeon. Each player has two hours per day.

Every monster which are in the dungeon drops black ore. Black ore can use as currency to buy armor magic scroll and weapon magic scroll and event collections from kaisa's assistant Mez at each village.

The event collections will be expired at may twenty fourth.

Player can not kill each other here.

I got the blue drops at 20220417


因為EVE Online有安全度的設定,不同的行星系安全度不同。在安全度越低的行星系,收入越高。1.0到0.5安全度是高安,會有警察殺殺人的。0.4到0.1是低安,有星門炮和星站炮會殺殺人的。0.0到-1.0是零安,玩家控制區域,自由殺人。

根據EVE University Wiki,0.5行星系的警察來到時間是19秒,而0.5行星系也是高安中最高價值礦石所在地。



挖礦是EVE Online裡面很重要的一個遊戲系統,因為EVE Online主打沙盒,Sandbox,由玩家驅動遊戲市場,所以遊戲官方不會直接定價賣道具,而是由玩家在遊戲裡收集材料、製作、運輸然後販賣的自由市場。



一般新手挖礦船是Venture,也就是影片中的小黃。進階一點會變成Mining barge,挖礦駁船。最後學了組隊加成技能變成Orca或是Porpoise或是Rorqual,挖礦加成船。

挖礦槍,從Venture的Miner I變成Venture用Miner II,然後Mining barge用Strip Miner I,然後挖礦駁船用Modulated Strip Miner II。

挖礦加成船,則是裝Mining foreman burst I加上Mining laser optimizatoin charge,可以減少礦槍的冷卻時間。Medium asteroid ore compressor i或是Large moon ore compressor i則是可以讓太空中組隊的礦船直接在船艙裡壓縮礦石,壓縮率是壓到百分之一的體積。







Ore Anomalies


Pochven Mining


打撈器是Salvager I或是Salvager II或是Salvage drone I或是Salvage drone II。需要學習的技能是Salvaging或是Salvage drone operation。

Salvager I是裝在船艦的高槽,而Salvage drone I則是裝在船艦的無人機艙。

打撈成功之後殘骸會消失,但是不一定有Salvaged Materials。打撈出來的材料例如Armor plates可以製作Small nanobot accelerator I,也就是船插,Rig。船插是一種船艦裝備,但是插進去之後,拔出來會消失,和一般可隨時裝上拿下的裝備不同。

驅逐艦因為有八個高槽可以裝四個打撈器和四個牽引器,是人人愛用的新手打撈船,技能需求不高。牽引器是Small Tractor Beam I,可以把二十公里外的殘骸牽引到船艦旁邊。





This dungeon is for the players who are over level fifty. It will open at six pm UTC+8 everyday.

If the character is elf or magician, they have heal magic and red potion, they would survive. But if the character is knight or ruler, they do not have heal magic and if they do not have orange potion, that have red potion only. I think knight or ruler would die unless their defense is over one hundred.

Sandworm will poison random player, so we need cure poison magic for elf and magician or antidote for knight or ruler.

Player can not kill each other here.

Sandworm will drop Sandworm's essence and Royal Guard and Epic pine stick and Fatal Blow and Silver knight's shield and Soul belt and Unique weapon craft recipe and Ssaurabi longsword and Blessed weapon magic scroll and Crystal of power and weapon magic scroll and Fragment of power and Grain of power.

Blood pledge insignia

Those two empty slot of equipment could be easier filled with useful item that is Blood pledge insignia. Blood pledge insignia could be bought from blood pledge merchant Clanble at Kent castle village.

There are two kinds of blood pledge insignia now, Valor and Guardian which could equip at the same time.

Blood pledge insignia could be enchated by Blood pledge insignia enchat scroll which is sold from blood pledge insignia manager Master Kane at Aden castle village square.

The common level of blood pledge insignia need to success enchated five time and than craft into rare level. The rare level need to success enchated seven time and than craft into unique level. Blood pledge insignia will not dispear during the enchant but if the enchat is failed, blood pledge insignia will decrease the level of enchant from one to zero or two to one and so on.

In the blood pledge screen, there are another gaming system is made for blood pledge insignia. The system is same as the enchant system, they are both cost honor coin to increase the stats of character have.

How to auto the morph and doll ?

Those are the same steps for morph and doll, so we take the morph as example below.

First we set the favorite morph at the morph screen by push the star.

Seconed we set the morph at the character stats window.

Third we buy the morph scroll from the ingame general merchant and in the inventory window we drug the morph scroll down to make it active.

With all three steps, now the character would auto morph and doll.

2022年4月14日 星期四

Newbie Elf before level fourty

The offical game company changed the gaming system in Lineage W, character need to be over level fourty to access the public trade market at the server, so before that, players need to count on themself to get the equipment, this article is a list about the rare equipment of elf.

The rare weapon is crossbow which could get from the quest from Blacksmith Kyle at Elven Forest Village. The quest item could get from forest of death instead of elven forest dungeon, that will make this quest really easy to finish.

The rare helmet is helm of magic defense which is dropped from Giant reinforced black ant at Old village ruins or Giant reinforced red ant at Red ant colony. The level of monsters are thirty eight, it is not too hard to drop, i always get one or two after whole night passed.

The rare armor is chain armor of magic defense which is dropped from Giant red ant Assaulter at Red ant colony or Giant black ant assaulter at Old village ruins. The level of monsters are thirty eight, i did get these after ten hours of auto hunting at spots. Chain armor of magic defense is also dropped from Queen's red ant assaulter at Ant nest dungeon first floor or Queen's red ant assaulter at Ant nest dungeon seconed floor. The level of monsters are fourty one, it is harder to auto hunting but i did not feel the more drops.

The rare shirt is old marksman's shirt which is dropped from Neruga orc archer at Orc forest highlands. The level of monster is thirty eight, it is hard to get, i only get one in one month. But the newbie player could use four hundred diamonds to buy a better shirt from the store, so i think that is ok.

The rare cloak is magic cloak which is dropped from Spartoi at Ruins of death or Cruel skeleton impaler at Ruins of death. The level of monsters are twenty five, it is easy to get i get a lot even only one night auto hunting. Giant red ant at Red ant colony or Giant black ant at Old village ruins or Queen's red ant at Ant nest dungeon first floor are also drops magic cloak.

The rare gaiters is gaiters of magic defense which is dropped from Giant red ant soldier at Red ant colony or Giant black ant soldier at Old village ruins. The level of monsters are thirty eight, i think this is not too hard to get with auto hunting one night or two. Gaiters of magic defense is also dropped at Windawood west desert or Ant nest dungeon first floor.

The rare shoes is Steel boots which is dropped from Bugbear at Ruins of death. The level of monster is twenty five, i did get a lot of steel boots, i think it is easy to get with auto hunting. Steel boots is also dropped from decaying zombie mage at Elven forest dungeon first floor or Decaying zombie mage at Elven forest dungeon seconed floor.

The rare gloves is Archer's finger tab which is dropped from Gandy orc archer at Land of purification. The level of monster is thirty two, it is not very easy to get, i get only three in one month. Archer's finger tab is also dropped from Weeping face at North island or Mad junior archer at Land of the wanderers. I do not think the lower level monster is easier to get archer's finger tab.

The rare guarder is Guarder of vitality which is dropped from Deranged zealot at Talking isle dungeon seconed floor. The level of monster is sixteen. Guarder of vitality is also dropped from Desert sand larva at Sandworm's Lair. The level of monster is thirty seven. Guarder of vitality is really very hard to get, i only get one in three month.

The rare ring is protective ring which is dropped from Duda-mara orc fighter at Orc logging site. The level of monster is thirty two. Protective ring is also dropped from Corrupted ungoliant at Gludio dungeon fourth floor. The level of monster is thirty six. I think the protective ring is very hard to get, i never get any from Lineage W.

The rare nacklace is Necklace of dexterity which is dropped from Brainwashed skeleton archer at Gludio dungeon first floor or Brainwashed skeleton archer at Gludio Dungeon seconed floor. The level of monsters is thirty two, this is easy to get and this is the first rare item i get by myself at Gludio dungeon first floor after one night auto hunting. Necklace of dexterity is also dropped from Elite rova orc archer at wheat field but this monster is too rare to hunt so i did not get any from her.

The rare belt is Belt of Meditation which is dropped from Seized lycanthrope at Wheat Field. The level of monster is twenty three, i got one in one month but i did not auto hunting over night, i was doing the daily depardieu's emblem mission. I think this is easy to get if auto hunting whole night.

The rare earring is Warrior's earring which is dropped from Ballu axe-wielder at Ballu orc settlement. The level of monster is fifteen. Warrior's earring is also dropped from Tainted mutant zombie at Land of purification. The level of monster is thirty five. I never get this equipment by myself but i did not auto hunting over night ever before. I know warrior's earring is better to have but i get Soul earring from Polluted old magic researcher at Gnarled Earth really easy, so i use the soul earring for a very long time until my elf reach level fifty.

Those are the rare equipments which is used by elf before the market is open. And most of those rare equipment is not hard to get with auto hunting one night or two.

Next is the magic books which elf needs. There are Heal and Fireball and Bless armor and Meditation and Cure poison and Decrease Weight and Shield and Haste and Enhance stats. I know elf can learn many more magic but lot of them i did not use for month, so we will pass those here.

Heal is dropped from level thirty five Atuva orc Mage at Orc Farmland or level twelve Delirious junior Mage at Land of the wanderers or level thirty Dark bandits shaman at Vineyard.

Fireball is dropped from level thirty Webfoot mage at Orc forest coast or level eight Kutun orc mage at Kutun orc fortress or level eight Ballu orc shaman at Ballu orc Settlement or level twelve Delirious junior mage at Land of the wanderers.

Bless armor is dropped from level twenty Slygian at Wild dog plains or level thirty eight Ghast at Forest of death or level thirty five Polluted magic researcher at Gnarled earth.

Meditation is dropped from level fifteen Specter of the ruins at Land of the wanderers.

Cure poison is dropped from level twenty three Adventurer zombie at Land of anguish or level thirty two Duda-mara orc mage at Orc logging site or level fifteen Specter of the ruins at Land of the wanderers.

Decrease Weight is dropped from level twenty three Female zombie at Land of anguish or level seven Kutun orc impaler at Kutun orc fortress or level thirty seven Sand larva at Sandworm's Lair.

Shield is dropped from level twenty three Farmer zombie at Land of anguish or level six Starving wild dog at Wild dog plains.

Haste is dropped from level thirty five Polluted root monster at Gnarled Earth.

Enhance stats is dropped from level thirty Webfoot mage at Orc forest coast or level thirty five Polluted frog at Gnarled earth or level twenty three Rova orc mage at Wheat field.

Those are all the elf needs to hunt to get before the market is open. Hope you enjoy reading.

獵殺Clone Soldier

低安有時候會在小行星帶出現Clone Soldier,Clone Soldier會掉落價值很高的Tag,隨著不同的Clone Soldier,最高可以賣到兩千多萬isk一個Tag,而只要擊敗一個Clone Soldier,一定會掉落Tag。

我損失了很多條飛船,最後發現Amarr族的Clone Soldier我可以使用這個配置擊敗。

[Maller, rat]
Prototype Compact EM Armor Hardener I
Medium Armor Repairer II
Prototype Compact Thermal Armor Hardener I
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II

Large Cap Battery II
10MN Monopropellant Enduring Afterburner
Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier

Focused Afocal Pulse Maser I
Focused Afocal Pulse Maser I
Focused Afocal Pulse Maser I
Focused Afocal Pulse Maser I
Focused Afocal Pulse Maser I

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Acolyte I x3

Standard M x5
Multifrequency M x10

同時用雷射炮和無人機,使用推進器快速拉近距離,保持在三千公尺的射程,打開永動的修理器和抗性增強,就可以擊敗Clone Soldier。

唯一有意外的情況是,因為Clone Soldier都出現在低安,萬一有其他人出現在行星系,就必須要過熱推進器跑出二十四公里外,才能擺脫Clone Soldier的跳躍干擾器,然後飛到安全點。

我的戰鬥相關技能有Hull upgrades 5、Mechanics 4、Repair systems 4、Acceleration control 3、Afterburner 4、Evasive Maneuvering 4、High speed maneuvering 3、Navigation 4、Shield management 4、Shield operation 4、Tactical Shield Manipulation 4、Advanced Drone Avionics 2、Drone avionics 3、Drone durability 3、Drone interfacing 3、Drone navigation 3、Drone sharpshooting 3、Drones 5、Light drone operation 4、Amarr cruiser 3、Spaceship command 4、Advanced weapon upgrades 4、Cpu management 5、Capacitor management 3、Capacitor systems operation 4、Electronics upgrades 4、Energy grid upgrades 4、Power grid management 5、Weapon upgrades 4、Radar sensor compensation 1、Long range targeting 4、Target management 4、Medium energy turret 4、Motion prediction 4、Rapid firing 4、Controlled bursts 4、Sharpshooter 4、Gunnery 4、Surgical strike 3、Trajectory analysis 3。

我主要在小行星帶殺一般電腦控制海盜,殺著殺著,偶爾就會出Clone Soldier,有時候二十分鐘就會出一次,有時候要三小時才出一次。但是一般電腦控制海盜也有賞金,所以也不是做白工。一般電腦控制海盜裡面會有戰艦級,因為在低安,戰艦的話,一艘戰艦就有五十萬isk以上的賞金。戰艦的打撈物還會有另外約價值五十萬isk左右的裝備和材料。


[Maller, rat2]
Prototype Compact EM Armor Hardener I
Medium ACM Compact Armor Repairer
Prototype Compact Thermal Armor Hardener I
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II
Heat Sink II

Large Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery
10MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Fleeting Compact Stasis Webifier

Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II
Heavy Pulse Laser II

Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I
Medium Capacitor Control Circuit I

Acolyte II x3

Imperial Navy Multifrequency M x5
Standard M x5
Multifrequency M x5
Conflagration M x5
Scorch M x5


我身為付費玩家,第一個月主要是在挖礦。我主要在高安挖礦,所以目標是飛Procurer,在飛船模擬器裡有Anti Gank的配置,主要是因為Mining Barge這個級別的飛船,還有Retriever和Covetor另外兩種。Retriever是船艙特化,可以挖很久的礦,Covetor是挖礦速度特化,挖礦特別快。Procurer是防強暴,因為Retriever和Covetor都可以被相對便宜的一級科技驅逐艦強暴成功。Retriever和Covetor這兩種飛船生命值比較少,驅逐艦是有八門小型武器的攻擊船,在0.5安全度的行星系,警察要二十多秒才會到,在警察到之前,Retriever和Covetor已經爆炸了。然後驅逐艦會被警察打爆,但是驅逐艦比Mining Barge還要便宜,這樣在Killboard網站看起來是賺了,造成了更多損失。

要飛Procurer,要先學Astrogeology 3、Mining 4、Science 4、Mining barge 1、Industry 5、Mining frigate 3、Spaceship Command 1。

[Procurer, *Ore Procurer T1 Anti Gank]
Mining Laser Upgrade II
Damage Control I
Mining Laser Upgrade II

Medium Shield Extender II
Multispectrum Shield Hardener I

Strip Miner I
Strip Miner I

Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer I
Medium Kinetic Shield Reinforcer I
Medium Thermal Shield Reinforcer I

Salvage Drone I x5
Acolyte I x10
Mining Drone I x5

要使用全部的裝備的話,還需要學Mining upgrades 4、Salvage drone operation 1、Drones 4、Salvaging 2、Mechanics 3、Survey 3、Cpu management 1、Shield upgrades 4、Power grid management 2、Science 1、Mining drone operation 1。

我已經完成以上技能的學習,都在第一個月的Omega,平常在小行星帶挖礦,帶著Mobile Tractor Unit,使用Acolyte I擊敗小行星帶的電腦控制海盜,Mobile Tractor Unit會把殘骸拉到船旁邊,使用Salvage Drone I來打撈殘骸得到船插材料。



Twisted Underground Prison

Fight with the world boss to get three raid tokens. Fight with party boss to get two raid tokens. Ten raid tokens could buy one Twisted Underground Prison Ticket Chest from the Raid offers of Trading Post of Merchant. Use the chest could get one Twisted Underground Prison Ticket in the random floor.

First floor
Seconed floor
Third floor

The boss is at the location, once the character is inside the dungeon use the teleport scroll to fly over the map to the special location, boss is waiting at the spot. If the boss spot has no boss there, that is a bug, the boss will show up at the last five seconed of this dungeon at the boss spot, but it is too hard to kill the boss in five seconed.


I did managed to finished guristas hunt combat site before, but i failed again. I know there are three waves of hunt monsters will show up at first room. After three waves, i got the fourth wave, so i think that might be the fifth wave. But i am wrong, the first room boss show up with the fourth wave hunt monsters and i did not see the boss coming and i kept killing the small hunt monsters. When the hit point warning is up, i was too late. My dragoon is toast at the fourth wave of mix the boss and hunt monsters. If i did not think there might be fifth wave, i will not do that. My experience of Guristas Hunt is not enough, so i paid my dragoon again. I know that now, i think i can do better next time.

2022年4月13日 星期三

Killing the Jackdaw in Guristas Hunt

[Dragoon, *Guristas Hunt]
Damage Control II
Multispectrum Energized Membrane II
Small Armor Repairer II
Kinetic Armor Hardener II

1MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Small Cap Battery II
Small Compact Pb-Acid Cap Battery

TE-2100 Ample Light Missile Launcher
TE-2100 Ample Light Missile Launcher
TE-2100 Ample Light Missile Launcher

Small Auxiliary Nano Pump I
Small Processor Overclocking Unit
I Small Kinetic Armor Reinforcer I

Imperial Navy Acolyte x5
Acolyte I x10

Caldari Navy Mjolnir Light Missile x2144

My character did overheat a bit but it worth the cost. I spent about three hundred thousand isk in repair the damage from overheat but i got the loots in Jackdaw which is about ten million isk. I found the sites faster than my last attempt, i think there is fewer player to search the site today becourse is week day and it is not the beginning of this event. By the way, my amarr destroyer is level four. The amarr destroyer level is three when i did my first try. I dropped one drone damage amplifier ii and changed into kinetic armor hardener ii. And i changed the rig, small processor overclocking unit i to small kinetic armor reinforcer i. My thought is ok. My dragoon get more defence and battery but less damage. The damage is enough to kill the jackdaw in the last room with overheat. Maybe i do not need to overheat, I could try it next time. Fly Safe, o7.


It is one game system in the corporation. The administrators can design as many medals as they want and give the madels to the corporation members. The corporation members can decide if the madel is public or private. That is really a fun system. The madel could not let the offical game company get more income and the offical game company need to mantain more gaming system. This is one of the points i like the eve online. EVE Online has a lot of game system is not making more income but the offical game company CCP is keep making new system and add in to the massive eve universe. In the other way, the mobile games is free to play but every new gaming systems is costing more new taiwan dollars. I like the old faction way better. The monthly fee of mmorpg is the way i want to play. Fly Safe, o7.


It is an epic drop! This is not the first time i got the epic pine stick. I got an epic pine stick from Rahdon two month ago. That epic pine stick is used in blood pledge training ground but the summoned boss is too strong to kill so that stick is wasted. Let us see what boss will show up from this epic pine stick. Maybe there will be something we could kill. I am happy to have an epic drop after two month. I think i am lucky today. After weeks of failed in enchant game system, i have saved the luck. The sacrifices of equipments and scrolls is not wasted. They are the fundations of future drops. I know i will get something if i keep playing Lineage W, i just do not know when.

2022年4月12日 星期二


I am really lucky today, i got one essence of hatred. I know the price of essence of hatred drops to fifty two diamonds, but the lowest price of essence of hatred is ten diamonds. I know the essence of hatred is sold for three diamonds two month ago. The offical game company gave every player the free unique craft recipes, so every playing player is making the unique equipment that makes the price of materials raising up in unbelievable speed. I bought the fairy wing at price of five diamonds, but the fairy wing is sold for zero point three six today. And the iron skin which i bought for one thousand and six hundred diamonds one month ago, but the iron skin is sold for four hundred and three diamonds today. I bought blessed armor magic scroll for three hundred and fifty diamonds one month ago, but the blesses armor magic scroll is sold for one hundred and eighty diamonds today. The price of everything is dropping in the market at my server becourse the free gifts from offical game company is used. I believe the price will keep dropping if there is no more offical gifts in the near feature.


I failed to enchant the equipment again. I was thinking i could got a plus three necklace of might so i could start a collection in the non-bound collections. There is a collection in the non-bound equipment collections which is called Rare Necklace Collector which needs plus three necklace of might and plus three necklace of dexterity and plus three necklace of knowledge and plus three knight's nacklace. If i finished the Rare Necklace Collector, my character would gets plus one wisdon which increase the max mp and mp recovery and mp potion recovery amount and magic defence. I know i could not finish this collection easily but i am tring to do from time to time. Good luck.


Our corporation got an operation today. After my character finished the daily mission, our ceo of corporation is calling the friends in corporation and we are forming a fleet. I got the role of damage dealer, so i went to the trade hub in the Amarr space to buy the destroyer. I got the coercer which is the amarr destroyer and she use the small laser turret which i got the skill of level five which is the top of all the skills. We scout in the target system for an hour and waiting for more at the same time. We did get seven players to join fleet together. Our enermy got night characters in the belt and they are mining with their guards. We decided to kill the hulk first and wish we could get the hulk and make the cost of our fleet is less lost than the enermy lost. We lose my destroyer and killed hulks that makes these operation success. Our ceo is very happy about it that makes me chear a bit. I like to fleet with friends. Our high sec mining system is getting ganking these days, so it is like a little payback time. Our corporation is got the history with the enermy corporation we have now. I have heard the stories from the ceo. There is no right or wrong for the killings, there is only the lost we have. The players making a lot of resources from the game and the killing is the most efficient way to spent the resources which the players got.