
2022年3月23日 星期三


For the first time, i run out of Adena, that is the in game currency in Lineage W. The reason is, after i going to Rift of the void on my seconed character, she fight close range and can not hit the monsters, so she runing and runing, when she finally hit one monster, she took very long time to kill it, so she drinks a lot of water, i did let she fight in rift of the void for six hours, she drinks about thirty thousand adena every twenty minutes, so that is half a million of water drunk. The other reason about the adena is running low is the current event need cost adena to buy scrolls and potions everyday. And i draw the adena card for morph and magic doll everyday. I think i did not make more adena than other players, becourse my equipment is low on defence and attack. I make my adena at Gnarked Earth for a very long time, since my defence is seventy eight. I tried to find other place to make more adena everyday. My defence is up to eighty five now, i still making adena at Gnarked Earth. I think that is becourse my attacking speed is not increasing. If i went to some place with higher adena drop, but i can not kill the monster as same time at Gnarked Earth, i am making less adena. And i run out of the scrolls which current event gave me with only finished one full collection. One collection need thirty two scrolls. I think my scroll is a lot, but it is not in fact. Good Luck.

