
2022年4月5日 星期二


I have two characters in Lineage W, one is the elf, the other is the ruler. I created the elf first becourse i was playing elf long long ago at nighteen nighty eight. But i can not find a blood pledge which would accept my elf three month ago when i first start to play Lineage W, so i created the seconed chracter, the ruler and make a blood pledge for myself since then. Until now, i know those blood pledge i wanted to join are all ghost blood pledge. There are no players playing at those blood pledge anymore becourse my blood pledge is getting more higher rank than those blood pledges i wanted to join before. I get not many blood pledge friends in my blood pledge and many of them are selling their account, i do not know if there is any more blood pledge friend would join, but i am looking forward too. Good luck.

